Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So, David left for California on Sunday

and now he's rubbing it I sit and listen to the rain on the sky light. Nice....

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just our family

Grandparents and the C...L...A...W... that the kids found at the beach. And are very attached to and made mom let them put it on her hill!

Before Katie got there...Bree's hair was blowing perfectly in the biting cold wind!

The Kat has arrived...all the grandkids!

The warmest place in the whole barn! And the kids found it! A cow shelter!!!

Stacked grandkids

Kids jumping...this took a few takes!

Monday, November 28, 2011

us girls

We kept thinking of good places to get pictures with the kids, and then they refused to get out of the car. So, we decided to make them take pictures of us! Even then, they wouldn't get out to even snap a picture. We had to maneuver the car so Breeanna could sit in the front seat and take the pictures without ever getting out!!!

The Messner/Marti clan

It was so cold my fingers would barely work.

The Bishops

Robert was taking pictures so he wasn't in this quick picture. Most had run back to the car...but I loved the green with the black door so made them take a few...


We chose the most awful day to get family photos done! It was so windy and raining sideways . We thought we would go somewhere different so we went to Fort Casey. Yeah right. You could barely even walk!

close up at Fort Casey

At Robert's brother, Wilbur's barn. Still FREEZING!!!

First annual candy house building

Christi had a great idea!!! She started the annual candy house building contest. She bought a bunch of candy and graham crackers and frosting and we built houses. Gonna have to start collecting candies. We learned a few things but had fun and snackage at the same time :-) I really do like it. Everyone worked hard. Need to find some thicker frosting that will hold the houses together...the people who used "reinforcements" houses stayed up, but us old fashioned people and just stuck em together, weren't so lucky.

Jordan getting started on his...

Team work with Aim and Bree

My finished house

Aimee got down and dirty

Breeanna tried to make an igloo out of gum drops, gave up and resorted to spelling out house in gum drops.

Chris rolled her sleeves up...

Frank got serious, with some ideas from Katie. Pretty sure the beer bottle was his idea though.

Katie's house

Aimee's finished house

Jordan remained at work long after everyone was done...carefully constructing his realistic outhouse with the half moon carved out in the door and everything.

Some chocolate fangs

Frank's finished house

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ha! Ha! Lucy May!

She is so silly! Gramoom has new guinea pigs, Taffy and Chocolate and they are noisy little critters making the cutest little high pitched noises in their cage. Lucy May? bout them....they were moving and talking...hmmmm...she sat down on a stack of pillows and blankets to check it out for a bit. Funny girl.

The Gang

The Thanksgiving gang: Jordan, David, Anth, me, Aimee, Robert, Bree, dad, mom, Marty, June, Katie, Christi and Frank.

And the traditional funny face picture (nice Chris!)

Thanksgiving at Gramoom & Papa Paul's house

Little surgery on the beauty!

Mom's Thanksgiving gift to David...a new turkey roaster pan.

the spread

everyone hangin

Chris, Aim, Bree

Me & Bree self portrait, she did pretty well I'd have to say! Much better than me (right Tanya?)

David's new shrug

Moosie May loves to get some attention if she is not receiving enough (which is often) she just demands some. She got her point across.

Scuse me...Scuse me....

Thank you!