Saturday, November 30, 2013

Port Angeles

 We went to a tournament in Port Angeles for Jammin basketball.  We stayed in the Red Lion.  The boys room had a gorgeous view of the water, but the adults room did not. 

Crazy kids!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Big gurl

 I took Lucy with me to drop off mom and dad at the airport for their trip to Florida to run the Wine and Dine Half Marathon.  She helped herself to the front seat on our way home...which she never does in my car!

 Tryna get comfy.

She is so big that it says she needs to put her seat belt on and it dinged and dinged cuz she didnt!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fall time...

 Well....I usually take a picture going down the street every year and this year, several trees were removed from front yards so it wasn't the same pretty fall picture it sometimes is.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Rakin leaves

 half the hill done

 Let's just say Lucy May wasn't the biggest help but she was sure fun to watch and as she ran around on the hill and raced through the leaves, buried her toys in it to dig them out to be all crazy!

 Pretty girl.

 Got lots of leaves for mom...however...Jordan was overzealous in his garbage/yard waste taking out (never had that problem before...) after I covered the leaves in a tarp so as not to get wet, etc....he uncovered them, folded the tarp back up and drug them all out to the curb.  Oh well....we got more where that came the other half of the hill!

After a windy day...pretty much all taken care of...

Monday, November 25, 2013

Jammin Basketball

 We had a tournament at Monroe High School.

 Fast as lightning!

 Zach strained a butt muscle and we thought it was hilarious.  Poor Zach.

It was Austin's 15th birthday so they had donuts post game!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

J Birthday at home

 Hey, it's only a month late....could be like Tanya and just have left everyone hanging...forever!

 They were so sweet and brought Jordan down a little chocolate molten cake which he proceeded to demolish.  I didn't do anything big  because he didn't want anything and I don't need to have a bunch of leftovers, so their idea of this little cake was perfect!!! 

Thankful for good friends!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bree Basketball

 The funniest thing.  Well, only part of it is funny. Breeanna rode up with me and then wasn't feeling so well (that's the not funny party) so she tried to rest and Lucy thought she made an awesome pillow and laid on her like that for a little while.

 then up to Skagit Community College to watch some bsaketball

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pinata action

 Katie put together a special pinata for she and J to try to do

 Everyone taking a look at it...

Aaaand, the grand prize gift goes to the birthday boy!  A headband!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Birthday gifts!

 Make a wish!

 Teenage celebration includes mid party texting!

 He has wanted a camera for a long time and finally got one of his own!

Now time to get serious and figure this thing out!

Jordan's island birthday!

Auntie Chris and Kat did a great job decorating for the big event!

Auntie Chris made a basketball cake!  Perfect!!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bree Homecoming was brought to my attention I am behind schedule on blogging!  We went to the island and I got to help get Breeanna ready for Homecoming.

 A joint effort by Auntie Chris and I.  She turned out beautifully....though it's nice to have such a canvas to work with ;-)

 She went with her friend Josh

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sherman's Farms

This year we got to go to Sherman Farms for pumpkin hunting with the family.  Papa Larrie even met us there!  He got himself a pie and was off to Camas.

 Rode the tractor out to the field for hunting

 And the hunt begins.....


 These silly girls!

 Still hunting...

 Kids found just the right ones!

 Even mom and dad got in on the action!

 J and I found ours....

Everyone is our wagon full of gotta find some time to carve!