Friday, November 14, 2014

J is 17!

 Christi made a cool cake with candy all around it.  Just like J likes!

Oopsie, a little too many candles for the paper sign....lucky we didn't burn the house down!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Point Defiance Zoo

 Chris, Kat, mom and dad came down and we went to the zoo.  The rain held off while we were there.  Little chilly but really can't complain.

 We learned about the Asian elephants.  She used to be a circus elephant and when she first came, she would go out into the yard and stand on her head.

 They have triplet tigers but you can only see them on the TV.

These animals had Kongs on their antlers.  Both of them were walking around with Kongs on.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Tanya!

 We did get to go down and make Tanya wear the hat!  And had some delicious looking chocolate with caramel cake her friend at work made!  Happy Happy Birthday my friend!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Then Saturday morning we were off to Lake Stevens for a Jammin basketball tourney.  Both Jammin teams took 1st (us) and 2nd (Kareem) so it was really cool.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Katie half time cheer show

 Jordan and I ran up to the island to watch the homecoming game and Katie's Jr. Cheer at half time.  So different at a small school.  They have big 4 X 4 trucks and tractors pulling the class floats.

 We couldn't see the cheer performance because they did it in front of the grandstands that were already full, so we kinda sorta saw it from the side.  Dem gurls got some sass!

Jordan's birthday

 Poor Jordan. His birthday ended up on a late night and we weren't able to get together with friends like we usually do cuz David would have been in bed by the time we got together...

 We did a quick family thing, had dessert then went to bed.  Ha!

 Super happy to be wearing the hat!

New sweatshirt!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Carving pumpkins

 Let's get to bizness!

 Carving away

 The finished products

I think they turned out great!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Maris Farms

 I love our tradition of going to the pumpkin patch and doing a corn maze.  Even though the boys are big, I still like it.  We had a good time at Maris Farms.

 Here we was monopoly themed this year and you figured out which way to go by answering questions, the correct answer told you left, right or straight.  We did Seahawks trivia and movie trivia.

 You stamped your monopoly board at the stations.

 Which way?

 Yay!  We are farmer's of the EAR...that's what they called it!  ha!  ha!

 Check dad out RUNNING to find his pumpkin!  

 Anth found his!

 J has his!

Overall a very successful day!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Rattlesnake Ridge

 J and I hiked Rattlesnake Ridge with Wendy, Grace and Skye.  It was a beautiful sunny day and the view was AH-mazing!


Rattlesnake Lake

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Where does the time go?

I would seriously like to know.  Happy 17th birthday JayTay!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

UW Football

 Tanya invited me to a Husky football game and oh what a beautiful day it was!!!  The scenery around there is just gorgeous!  They do party boats...big time!  With little shuttles to shore to the stadium!

  I remember renting canoes forever ago from this building and canoeing around Lake Washington under the bridges.

 The view!  Goodness!

 The game didn't end how we liked, but it was time well spent, gorgeous day, good food and awesome friend!  Woot!

The KISS halftime show.  Funny!