Wednesday, April 30, 2014


 We got Anth a skateboard so he had something to do in his spare time.

 He is obsessed with the Monopoly game at Albertson's!  He "just has one" left on quite a few....he is sure he's gonna win it BIG!  I sure hope so!!!

 Cheer memories....this is where the clinic was, and where some of his practices were, the indoor field is here.  It is right by the stadium.

 Little skate action on campus,.

Boise Zoo

 Anth and I went to the zoo for some fun! It's just a little zoo but nice.

 Eating a banana

 The cutest porcupine sleeping on a twig all smashed up on the wire, his foot out, and he was sound asleep. 


 As always....Anth seems to be the animal whisperer, but...maybe, just maybe it was due to the fact that he had food....

 We saw the baby anteater riding around on his mom's back.  We thought, when reading the posting about him, the baby may have been smaller, but he is actually quite large, still riding around on mom.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Out and about....

 Anth trying to get his "pet" squirrel to come over.  It was mama and she came close, but not as close as Roger and Hammy do.

Even the McDonald's in Boise gets in on the action!

Boise Visit

When I had my spring break in Boise, I rented a cute little Prius.  I could drive one of these....would take getting used to, but I definitely could.

 Anth and I drove to a place called Table Rock where it overlooks all of Boise.  You can see this cross wayyyy up from town.  Beautiful up there.

 Overlooking Boise and some great biking  and hiking trails

Monday, April 28, 2014

Kylie's birthday cake

 Tanya had a family party for the kids whose birthdays fall in April.  She decided to get all fancy and make cakes.  I helped her make some cakes for the kids.  

Another thing about spring....

Is getting my sugar egg out that Gram Vi made for me.  I remember, and have a picture, of her showing Breeanna how to make them at our Easter celebration.  I miss her, especially during these holidays.  There are so many family traditions that began with her, and I am so thankful.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

He who doesn't shop....

 Does some serious damage when he does....

Found the perfect spikes for track!

 Wait!  What?!  How did this happen????  For "lunches" of course....

Happy Birthday Zach!

Where does the time go????  (Dec 2002)

 16 big ones....goodness!

 We gave him the Seahawk package

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lovely day for a track meet

 I felt so bad for the athletes being out there in their short shorts and teeny tank tops in this cold, wet weather!

 Jordan can consistently clear 10 feet!

Quick trip home

 Anth made a quick trip home for a few days and I took off work so we met mom and dad and Katie in Renton for some lunch!