Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Nice weather!

 The weather has been so nice the last few days.  I made Anth go for a walk so I can marvel at Mt. Rainier.  I just love that mountain and all it's majestic beauty!

Monday, May 26, 2014

David is 45!!!!

 David requested a jello cake for his birthday, so jello cake he got! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The boy is home!!!!!

 Anth moved back home!  Car packed as packed as it could possibly be, pretty impressive actually.  All moved in and getting into a routine.  Good to have him home!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Da girls....

 Mother's Day at Auntie Christi's.  3 generation picture.  LOVE!

Friday, May 23, 2014


 I don't know what the heck I had.  The Dr. at urgent care thought it was strep, but my rapid test came back negative.  I just know that I had a very high fever for 3 days, missed a day of work, felt terrible, and had fever blisters inside my mouth/throat/tongue for over a week after.  Not fun. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Senior Prom 2014

 No words.

 Aaron and Bree

 The group she went with.  Funny kids!  Betcha they had a blast!

 Lil Bridesmaids action....

 Crazy kids

 Now....for Ms. Glamor USA...NOT to be outdone by the big kids!!!!

Glamor Puss and her mama

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Gorgeous as always....

 SENIOR prom.  I cannot believe it.  Another tradition.  Doting on Bree to get her ready for prom. Christi is in charge of hair and I of make up.  Funny, since neither one of us are particular glamor gals, always seems to work out perfectly!

 She is drop dead gorgeous!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Spa basket!

They had a raffle at work during staff appreciation week where they fed us yummy meals and treats.  And.....I won the spa basket!  Bunch of really good stuff!

Track 2014

 Lil pole vault

Lil high  jump....this one is new.


The $300 coffee table Anthony started has been finished and stained.  Jordan finished it for him so that is the best of both worlds.  Both of the boys made this one :-)  Fits perfectly!  Love it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Speaking of tulips

Gorgeous through Mt. Vernon


 Grandpa's gardens make me happy.  Mom makes sure there are still plants to see and fuss over.  His tulips were really pretty!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Deviled eggs by chef Aim

 She wondered why they weren't standing up :-)  tee heee.....

Easter egg hunt

 I just love our tradition of (making my dad) hide the boys Easter baskets in the house!

 Anth searched for a long long time!

Bree was preparing for her sugar high

 The hunt began.....we hid a bunch of Easter eggs with change in them.  Mom's been saving all year and we emptied our purses out.  We didn't need that much candy fo sho!

 Katie likes having a helper!

 A mad rush when one was seen....

 And...sometimes it got downright ugly....(WOW is Bree ever competition! NO idea where she gets that from) however....

But it all ended as loving cousins that had some good laughs and made some more memories!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Landslide Then and Now

April 2014    Look at the difference in color!     March 2013

April 2014

 Not sure why I took the picture going the opposite direction as I KNEW the first one was...guess I'll have to go much has washed away, obviously.  I will have to go get a proper picture.  Sheesh!

March 2013

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Beach walk....

 We down to Ledgewood Beach on the beautiful Easter morning.

 Lucy May wants UP on the rock with her boys!


 She ran all the way up there herself!  And then just turned around and sat down. Funny girl!