Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Heading out....San Diego or bust!

 And off we the car packed, and teeny tiny spot for Bree in the back seat, taking Lulu to Camp Gramoom/Papa Paul and then off for Californ-ia.


It was hard for Bree to leave her doggie so we will have to send many pictures of her...

Bree's last night on the island

 Christi and Frank were camping out at Fort Casey so we had a little impromptu get together to send Bree off to college.  She wore he tiara to show everyone who is boss :-)

 Keystone ferry

 Drove by Ebey's Landing on the way home.  goodness how beautiful!

Then we worked on finishing getting the car packed.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


 My cousin Ed, who works for Jump Street, has a bunch of Segway's at his house because Jump Street is making some Segway courses, obstacle courses and stuff.  So he brought them over to play with for the afternoon.  They are actually very easy to get the hang of, but....I had a little mishap and got all out of control and jumped off.  All turned out well but it made for very funny video.  Ugh.  (thanks Jordan)  These aren't just any Segway's.  These are OFF road ones.  One of them was stuck in turtle mode so it would only go 7 mph but the other one woudl go 12 mph.

 Ed giving me the tutorial...I was so worried, and getting a headache after a big hike but I sucked it up...and have the video to show for my efforts.  Ugh.

 Of course the boys got the hang of it right away and just rode off into the sunset...


J going "off road"

Last day hike

 David and I went for a hike on the last day there.  Beautiful morning.

 Can see a hazy Denver.

 'bout to die....

Monday, September 1, 2014

Aunt Billie & Uncle Dave's Farm

 Just out and about on the farm.  That limo has good memories back in the day...was in much better condition....when they all drove out to visit us.  Driving through McDonald's and Uncle Dave saying, 4th window is paying...and driving forward.

 Aunt Billie has goats, and chickens and turkeys and rabbits.

 Jonathon send some halibut down from Alaska where he is working and David grilled it up.  David grills a mean mean halibut, just FYI....

 Gram sleeps most of the time, but they get her up and bring her out in the living room with the people.  She doesn't interact or anything, except for the last visit where she was giggling as we were laughing so cousin Billie showed her the pictures of her dogs (Gram loved dogs) on her phone, where Gram then tried to eat her finger :-)  I think she just thinks that whatever they put in her hand, she needs to put in her mouth.  It was wonderful to see her. She is getting really wonderful, loving care there.  But she is tired.

 It was bedtime so Anthony helped Aunt Billie get Gram to bed.

 The farm house

 sunset at the farm.  Absolutely beautiful!

Us with Michael, Aunt Billie and Uncle Dave.

 Roasting s'mores at the fire pit.