Saturday, October 25, 2014


I received these beautiful roses and lilies one day out of the blue with a card that thanked me for my generosity!?!  I have no idea what I did, or to this day, who sent them to me.  But it sure was nice!  They were gorgeous!

Coupeville field trip

 Jordan had to go on a field trip for his history class.  We thought it would be fun to go to the historical museum in Coupeville and learn a little history.  Jordan wasn't real thrilled about it, but the rest of my family was excited.  We all had a field trip to town.

 Cool artifacts

 A tale about the mermaid at Deception Pass.

 The view can't be beat!

 I remember as a kid just staring and studying this huge mural in the courthouse when we would go visit dad at work..  It now resides in the museum.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Swimmin at Admirals Cove

  We spent many many summers here at this pool, which was closed due to fighting within the Admirals Cove HOA, but was opened this year. 

Aim birthday!

 Huge spread!

 Another fun cake by Christi

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Island life

 Anth in the tree

 Someone didn't like her boys being so high in the tree, and waiting (un)patiently for him to come down.

 Mom grew pumpkins!

 Pumpkin patch

 Her beans on the old swing set

 chickens are getting big!

 Just relaxin

 We saw SO  many deer in the city limits, it was crazy!

  Kissing, how sweet!

 Beautiful sunset in Admirals Cove

 Just chillin in the wood pile

 Everyone in the gazebo

David grillin

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Family work day

 Went to mom and dads to help chip branches.


 The cut out to make the parking lot bigger.  A brick wall will go up.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

First day of his Junior year

 Jordan, heading off to school!

 I made the traditional big huge chocolate chip cookie when I got home from work.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Beautiful scenery

 Herd of elk

And then we decided, for time's sake, to cut across to I-5 for the rest of the way.  Unfortunate that we didn't have time to enjoy the rest of the drive.