Thursday, December 31, 2015

Annual Memorial Walk

 Our families gathered for our memorial walk.  Boy was the weather nasty.  I mean N-A-S-T-Y, but...that deter us!  We walked from the Elementary school to Sunnyside to remember our loved ones there.

 It was super windy and rainy, but the view across the prairie is the best from here.

 Santa even came after his prior engagement.

 We all gathered at the local pizza place for some warmth and food afterwards.  Always good to see everyone that we don't see very often and catch up.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Decorating party!!!!

 I do love me a decorating party and we had one at Christi and Katie's house with a little dinner and movie too.

 They like the Charlie Brown trees and it turned out really nice I think.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Belelvue Christian

We won a game!  We lost our first two games, but we beat Bellevue Christian by 3.  J did the jump ball.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Jingle Trail Run

 Or, in my case, it was a Jingle Trail walk.  Boy was the weather nasty.  Windy and rainy!

 Starting at Camp Casey

 By some bunkers

 By the Admiralty Lighthouse

 By the old switchboard...yikes!  I cannot believe I would have ever gone inside there and got the bejeezus scared out of me.  ON PURPOSE!  Why?  Why?  

 This hill.  I was walking with my dad and he explained to me, that, when younger, this very  hill, he and David's uncle Steve and company, would move a picnic table over here, then people would set up and eat, they would then pretend to hurt themselves on the hill, send the people for help and help themselves to their picnic.  Can you even believe that?  Hoodlums I tell ya!

Beach pictures

 We took the kids down to the beach and did some pictures while Breeanna was here.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Stormy November day

 I was driving to town and drove by the Pt. Townsend ferry one windy day and oh my!  I am not sure I have ever seen the waves like they were this day.  And I was, very thankful I was not on, nor piloting this ferry trying to come in and out of the narrow channel in Coupeville!

Then, I took myself out to Ebey's Landing to see what it was like out there.  Yeah.  Windy!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Seahawks vs 49'ers

 It has been our tradition for years, and I love that we can still continue it, to go to my Seahawks game together.

Love that we have years and years of memories!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Mt. Baker

So fortunate.  Instead of Mt. Rainier, I now get to see glimpses of Mt. Baker while out and about.  The best view in Coupeville is from the Sunnyside Cemetary.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Football Banquet

 Jordan getting his football letter at the banquet.  Not quite the big catered affair that KW is, just a little potluck with awards.

 One last cheer!

 The Head coach, Coach Smedly

 Coach Ryan