Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dart gun fun.

 Boys having fun with Eric's dart fun.  That thing moves FAST!  

Their cute house!  Very comfortable.  Gracious hosts.  Excellent cooks.  I forgot to take a picture of their backyard.  Eric built a really nice covered  (and lit) area and patio recently.

Monday, February 23, 2015


 Eric, James, JJ and David.

I was really thankful that James and Frances took the time to take the few hour drive to come down and visit while we were there.  The weather was perfect and Eric and Holly are really good cooks.  He made pulled pork in the Traeger and it was delicious.  He also made me chicken, which was also absolutely scrumptious!

 Eric and Holly

 James, Frances and JJ (James is being crazy, there is a picture of him smiling, but....that's what he gets ;-))

us girls.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Arizona hiking at Squaw Mountain

 Seriously...these super ripe oranges are right in Holly and Eric's back yard.  You literally pick them off the tree.  They are so delicious and sweet.  Have seeds, but worth the hassle for sure!

 Also view from their back yard...palm trees.  They make me happy.  They thought I was weird taking all of these pictures.

 And off we went to Squaw Mountain for a hike.  Was challenging for me, but it was so beautiful and not like any of our hikes here.

 View of Pheonix from Squaw.

 We made it!

 And up up we goooo!

We even met a little friend before we headed back down to meet James and Frances and James Jr. (JJ)

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Super Bowl!!!

 We all know how that darned super bowl turned out.  Heart wrenching.  But...we were thankful to have had David home from Paris (although so jet lagged he didn't even really know what was going on I think) and the Carlsen's and Haugen's over for a feast and cheering on our Seahawks. Tanya made this cool board again and David won all but one, J won the other., I think...  Ha!  Ha!  He wasn't even watching the game!!!  It's been long enough now I don't even remember.

And....STILL a Seahawk fan!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

History Day

 Jordan has to do a History Day project and he chose Oscar for his partner.  Next time, I expect him to do it on his own.  Too hard to coordinate with a partner.  Ugh.  I think it turned out great, they did all the research and I helped them put their board together.  Sounds like Jordan was happy with his presentation at school.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Seahawks vs. Packers 1-18-15

Much better! Wilson is even more comfortable now!

 Sheila, their friend Brian (a Packer's fan, but every other day a Seahawk fan) who came down from Alaska for the game, and Sandy.

 Blue Thunder in the rain....I just love them!!!

 Look how close I was to Luke!?!


 Absolute torrential rain!  Ugh.

Players warming up/dancing in the pouring down rain!  Didn't get them down!

 And....the mat to wipe our feet on!

 The three of us.  Sheila is finally get back into the full hawk spirit and she got all dressed up for the first time since Tom passed away.  And boy did they get attention....she made and blinged out their helmets, they had lights and bling and all kinds of stuff.  She takes t shirts and makes them into capes and totally blings them out.  It is her creative outlet and she is good at it!  So fun!

 We thought she was bleeding but realized....she just spilled her wine...hee!  hee!

 Seriously, it's like paparazzi with these guys and Wilson!!!!

 Had some blue cheese pictures with Green Bay fans and this cheese grater gal.


 The plane flyover and helicopter flyover from local boys from Whidbey was really fun to see!

 WE ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!  Holy schmokes what a nail biter!  That was way too much!  My heart (nor bladder) can handle that but boy what fun and I was glad I was able to celebrate with these crazies...just missing my Seahawk partner in crime, Tanya...

 Chris holding the flag up yelling by herself!

 And the confetti flies!!!! 

 Wilson carrying the NFC championship trophy around for the fans to see.

Then we found our poor defected Packers Fan by the car.  He was a really good sport!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Seahawk Door Contest at school

 We had a contest, though I don't have a picture of the winning door because it wasn't done when I had time to go around and take the photo's.  Ugh.  but there are some really cool doors.  Some academic based, some not.  The Wilson one the teacher (2nd grade) blew up a picture and cut into as many kids as he had in his class and had the kids color them, then they put them back together like a puzzle.  Turned out pretty darn good!!!!

 Preschool already had a frozen theme going on so they added a little football detail.

Aaaand, our door.  :-)