Sunday, March 15, 2015

Where is J when you need him?

 Lawnmower is acting up...and J is no where to be found....Mr. Small Engine could have been a help!  But...David got it running again!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

My birthday

 My work did a really nice party for us.  The new teacher's birthday is also on the 25th.  She is a baby though.  And....I have been telling people I am 46 all year so...finally!  I am the age I have been saying . Ugh.

 Whose idea was that birthday hat anyway????  It's mostly funny when it is someone else!

We had the usual suspects over to celebrate after a yummy Mexican dinner!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Aaaand home!

 Impressive from our plan window!

And beautiful sunset from the airport!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


 Beautiful drive to the airport.  The plan was to see Sedona, but....there was not enough time to do it properly, so we got the drive by of Sedona.  The town is really cute.  Pretty holistic/yoga/spa type of town tucked in the gorgeous red rocks. 

 Once do not do it justice.  I wouldn't mind heading back to Sedona and doing some hikes in the red rocks.

So funny seeing all the cactus along the road.  Like tons of them.  Definitely different terrain than home.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


 This was the view from our hotel in Flagstaff.  Very cold, but gorgeous.  We slept in and headed for Sedona on the way to the airport.

We saw the Planter's Peanut at our hotel!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The most amazing sunset evuhhhhh!

 We decided to drive along and catch the sunset as we stopped at different view points.  We were like....ohhh...yeah.  Pretty.  

 And I was like....we get beautiful sunsets on the island that look beautiful too.   But it was really pretty!

 More pretty...

 We were driving along and saying how pretty it was, and all the sudden the sky just lit up like it was on fire.  There was no rivaling this sunset.  It was amazing.  Absolutely beautiful!  Again, pictures most definitely do not do it justice.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Grand Canyon

We made it to our destination!  I twas beautiful but very cold.  But well worth it!

 As with most things, pictures just don't do it justice.  The Grand Canyon is so vast and full of color and texture.  It is breathtakingly vast.  Pictures just kinda make it look flat to me, but...I am so grateful I was able to see it first hand.  We had a great day enjoying the sights!

Sunday, March 8, 2015


On our way to Grand Canyon and I found David's retirement home!  It amuses to this day.