Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sledding at Auntie Aim's

Whidbey got a lot more snow than we did! It made for good sledding!

Bree and Auntie Chris

us three girls

Jordan...dang...that kids has good aim...

Auntie Aim and Bree...a mean race...Auntie Aim is so competitive. Look at her yelling!

Where the heck is the rope tow?

Ready to race...

Auntie Chris going down...

Auntie Chris, Jordan and Auntie Aim

J and Katie. So cute.

self portrait of me and J

everyone ready to rumble.

Jordan and Bree

the gathering at the top...

Zac, Bree and Katie.

Frank and the Kat...fast..can't you tell by his face?


Auntie Chris thinks she was victorious!!!

Zac showboating his boarding skills

Dad and Aim are so fast! I couldn't get a good shot!

Racin to the bottom

There was even a quick David sighting!!!

the gang

again...where is that rope tow?

PapaPaul and the Kat


Jeff and Tanya said...

What fun pictures! But, I want to know.....what was David doing.....looks highly suspicious if you ask me! I want to know who won between you 3 girls too?

Barbi Ford said...

David stayed inside, he just came outside to give Zac some gloves, then went right back inside. I just caught him walking away...

And...it depends on how to deem winning....the person who went the farthest (aka the long route) or the person who went the shortest, fastest route....We're all winners Tanya :-)

Three Girls with a Mom said...

Aim seemed to think she won but she was the one who took the shortest route. I think Katie found the rope tow a time or two. :-)