Tuesday, May 31, 2011

BBQ & croquet

Had us a little BBQ with all the fixins!

Katie in her lei that Uncle David brought her back from Hawaii!

David grilling on Papa Larrie's fancy schmancy grill/smoker. Thankfully David got lots of pointers on how it worked.

Deeanna's almost father-in-law Don, Larrie and Ann chatting.

Aunt June (who looks great...having lost quite a bit of weight - Go June & Marty!!!) givin Lucy May some lovin.

da guys

Niko, Lucy and Barkley. Lucy was tiiired!

Look! Lucy May thought Katie was playing while dragging the jump rope. Um. Not.So.Much.

Then we got into a mean game of croquet. For some reason, I was ON and was first one through, then they decided to play poison...and then my win. Turned to defeat. :-(


Jeff and Tanya said...

We need to resurrect our croquet set and play a tournament with neighbors....well, only if David plays blindfold so he can't see me move my ball a little...haha!

Barbi Ford said...

And also drag out your bean bag toss. It's always a hit! Yes! The weather is getting nicer so we can have more BBQ's with the neighbors! I love summer time!