Sunday, February 24, 2013

Braces off! Finally!

Finally!  The day has come!  We have delayed and delayed to lack of wearing appliances and bands....that Jordan gets his braces off.  Took months longer without consistent rule following, but the day has come!

 They gave him a cup filled with all the candy he wasn't allowed to have with braces on.  He had half of it gone by the time we got home!

Now he is even more handsome!  It will take some getting used to, he says it feels weird, and next is the retainer, which should be a joy to have him wear consistently.  He better . We have inve$ted far too much money into his mouth for him to let it go...

Saturday, February 23, 2013


What happens when you are grounded?  You find lots of stuff to do besides sit in front of the TV/video games/computer/phone!
 J dug out his helicopter, fixed it, charged it and played with it for awhile...until....

 the wind blew it into the tree.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bad girl

 Lucy tried to dig out.  the weather is getting nicer and everyone is in the street, before I get home from work, and playing outside and she wants to play too.  Being the delicate flower that she is....she pays dearly.  She tore off the pads of all four of her feet digging and chasing the ball in the street.

 First day

Next day

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I shared even...

I shared with Jordan...the bite me one...cuz I'm funny like that!  We haven't ever really done big gift for Valentines Day, but I always get them a big chocolate kiss that is at their spot at the breakfast table.  I didn't even get a picture of Jordan with his.  So lame these days.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentines treats

 These, people, are dipped Oreo's!!!  Helloooooo!

 And surprise flowers also were delivered late Valentines Day.  So pretty, with a pretty silver vase!

Seriously?  Dipped Oreo's?  Not okay!  But SO okay at the same time...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Anthony is off to school...

Before Anthony went back to school, we went to dinner with some of his close friends from elementary school through high school, Amanda times 2.  They call them Amanda squared. Amanda (Dottie) is pursuing marine biology in Hawaii and Amanda is pursuing early education in Oregon.
 We met at the Old Spaghetti Factory at Southcenter, kids and moms.  They were also cheerleaders and their moms are my friends as well.

 Had a great catch up with everyone. 

And off to College they all go....

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Seahawk Jerseys

 As a special treat David bought the boys Seahawks jersey's to watch the Seahawks playoff game in.  Anth was beyond excited!  Jordan, well, you know how excited Jordan gets about everything.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Jammin Basketball

 Jordan played in a select league with a bunch of local kids.  Little disappointed in the organization of the league, but it seemed like they had fun.  We were WAY out of our league 99% of the time but they continued to try.  We lost all but one game, which was a heart stopper, won by 1 point at the very last second...apparently everyone makes it to playoffs so we are waiting to hear.  It has been two weeks and haven't heard anything.  Track is starting up on Monday so there may be a little overlap which is gonna make for a very tired boy.  His basketball practices are 6:30 - 9:30 Wednesdays and Fridays, it makes for a very late Wednesday night with a very early 5 am wake up call on Thursday and Friday.  He has been a trooper though. June and Marty even made it down to a game, which was nice!  Apparently I didn't get a picture of them there though :-(

Friday, February 1, 2013

New Year's Eve

 Headin to Gramoom's house for New Year's Eve!  I just wanted to be with family for New Years Eve so I talked Anthony into coming to Whidbey with me.  We usually just play games and eat.

  Breeanna had egg drop soup

 In honor of Iris, who LOVES sushi, and has it all the time in Belgium, but has been deprived since  being in the states, we made sushi or California rolls really which I have never made.  I am not a fan of raw fish (that I know of) but I will do a California roll,  We could not find the special sushi salmon so California rolls it was.  They were really good!


 I made mine with avocado and imitation crab. They were good!

 Jordan made some for Robert, though Jordan didn't eat any, he did a great job!

 Iris & Bree

 This needs no words...

 Ha some fun games for the boys...  Ha!  push up competition...with a little "help" from Lucy May.

 Sit up competition and crab walk

  Time to Partay!

Here's to a quick 2013.  For Anthony to flourish at college, for Jordan and I to have a fun year (part of it teaching him to drive - ugh!) and for David to remain safe and hurry home.