Friday, May 24, 2013

You'd think we lived in the backwoods

Seriously....the dang kid hung cans, etc...from the tree so he could sit in a chair on the deck and shoot them with his BB gun.  Ugh.  

Monday, May 20, 2013

Anth's bedroom

 Here it was as our guest bedroom, when the boys shared a room.

Anth moved in...

Just moved in before

Back to guest room
 Just needs some art work and we are good to go!

 I got all crafty and made Anth a little love note on his needed to go.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

the rest of Mother's Day

 Was spent shopping.  This boy wanted to shop!  And was ready and willing.  He found some things he liked so we shopped for summer.  And I'm talking we went to 3 stores looking for the "right" color of shorts!  He knew what he wanted!  And wasn't gonna stop til he found it.

ALL matching if you don't notice!  It was just a really nice day. 

Mother's Day

 J took me to brunch at IHOP for Mother's Day

 Num Num Num

Wearing my Boise accessories so that Anth was with us as well....

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mother's Day Gift

 May not seem exciting to you, but I've been dreaming about this...and found one at Costco!

Friday, May 17, 2013


 Tanya and I had a long over due date Friday.  First, we talked Jeff into coming to dinner with us, which he resisted, but finally caved in with the lure of chips and salsa...and cervesa (or however you spell that) We went to see Hairspray put on by the Kentwood drama Club.  We got there and feared we would not get in.  We weren't even at the end of the line....but we got in and I think got THE last two seats available together, without sitting on the floor!

Uh Mazing!  LOVED it.  I have seen two of KW drama productions, the Wizard of Oz and Hairspray and I am telling you....I LOVE it!  For the price tag of $10 and not having to go anywhere really.  YES please.  Great date night!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day out with the cousins

Cousin Michelle came to move Christina into her cute little basement apartment in the Freemont/Ballard area-ish.  First stop, Ivar's for a little was a gorgeous day to eat outside.

 We tried to go to the beach, but packed, and I mean packed, NO parking spots for miles.  We did a drive by and headed to the Ballard Locks nearby, where we were much more lucky on the parking!

 Cousin Michelle, Megan, who ws here for her birthday weekend, and Christina at the Locks.

Selfy at the locks

 The cute little house that Christina will be living at.  She will be staying in the basement, sharing their laundry.  It has a little kitchen, bedroom, bathroom.  It is owned by a family with older teenage daughter and a labrodoodle!  The CUTEST thing!  I think it is perfect for her.  And less than her other house she shared the kitchen and bathroom with many.  This way, she will feel safe, it is a beautiful neighborhood with gorgeous maintained yards, and residents that were super nice even when we were only there a little bit.  I am excited for her to be able to cook and bake as she pleases.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mt Rainier

Has been out in all her glory the last few weeks, especially with this beautiful weather we have been having.  I never, ever get tired of looking at it.  It is so magnificent!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Track coach revenge

 On a nice sunny day, the pole vaulters assaulted the track coach with water balloons.  He took it well...then in the very next track meet....without saying a word.  Instead of signing the pole vaulters up for their normal 100 meter run, they were ALL signed up for a long run.  Some the mile and some the 2 more.  Ha!  Ha!  It was certainly a nice day for a run...and they were certainly not "racing" as the other kids were...they did finish, however.   Which also meant I had to stay til the end of the meet.  I thought it was the most hilarious revenge.  Jordan said it was worth it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Little woggin

 Perfect idea! Take down decorations from prom and go for a little wog around the Greenbank Farm.  Felt good.  Mom and I caught up, walked a little, jogged a little.  Felt good!  Rounded up to the nearest mile (to the tune of 4 I believe) and off we went....
But then I started not to feel well, and ended up with such a bad headache that dad had to drive J and I home late at night (arrived at after 10 to our house) after he had just arrived back home from Colorado and 1am that morning.  Poor dad.  Thankful though.  Would have had to call in sick!  I could not have driven.  I felt better by morning, but not so fun...

Saturday, May 11, 2013


 I was so excited to chaparone prom for Breeanna.  It was held at the Greenbank Farm. The perfect venue for this! 

 So impressed with the amount of work they got done with the amount of workers they had!  It turned out so beautiful.  Sylvia made these awesome trees of twisted paper, the lights that were already there added to the ambiance of it all.  We hung tulle and cheesecloth Aim dyed for a mossy overhead look.  

 It felt so intimate

 I thought it went really well.  No one left early, which I thought was amazing, and I'd say  like 90% of the people dance, the whole time, with breaks to get water or a quick chocolate fountain snack.  

 I horned in the photog's pictures.  I think Christi' s pictures are much better.

 Bree and Tim

Friday, May 10, 2013

Baaad habits...

 NOOOOOOO!  She is digging in the middle of the yard, around the deck.  And not my sandals!   I was gonna wear those...had my outfit all picked out....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Off to breakfast

 After our 4:30 am wake up call for work out, get ready and off to breakfast.  In formation of course.

 And singing...Hey there, Hi there, Ho there, We're as happy as can beeeee....M-I-C....K-E-Y....M-O-U-S-E!

Waiting for breakfast.  It was actually really good.  A great buffet!!!  Of all the breakfast favorites.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fort Lewis fun

 When I found Jordan, he was in a mud puddle stacking rocks...

 Off to play reindeer formation, of course


 Field Frisbee

Two Hand Touch Football

 Volleyball - J is the one clapping at the far end...It is hard to tell them apart!

Kentwood JRTOC dominated in all the games!  WOOT!