Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Off to breakfast

 After our 4:30 am wake up call for work out, get ready and off to breakfast.  In formation of course.

 And singing...Hey there, Hi there, Ho there, We're as happy as can beeeee....M-I-C....K-E-Y....M-O-U-S-E!

Waiting for breakfast.  It was actually really good.  A great buffet!!!  Of all the breakfast favorites.


Three Girls with a Mom said...

No fun they made the chaperones get up at 4 am too. They should have let you sleep in at least. Good thing breakfast was yummy.

Barbi Ford said...

Oh they didn't make us, but it was hard to sleep with all the lights on and the girls up and getting ready. I came home and had a nap :-)