Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Booster Club Awards....

 Larrie was the Grand Marshall of the Coupeville Booster Club parade.  The real parade down Main Street was at 3:45 and we couldn't make that, but we made it for the game!

 The Booster Club has a float as well as the annual class tradition of each class making a float to go with the theme of that year . This year each class was given an era and they all did a float go to with the music from that era.

 Larrie waving at the back of the float.

 Larrie with the Booster Club President, and our friend and school mate Shelly, who is married to another friend a school mate :-)  that's how we roll in Coupeville, we have a pretty good track record too!

 Here is the award that was given to Larrie for his many years of contributions to the Booster Club.

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