Sunday, December 1, 2013

In Town

 Port Angeles was the nicest town.  So picturesque right on the water.  Reminds me of Anacortes a little bit the way it was set up.  We had great service the entire stay, from the hotel, making reservations, checking in, getting a roll a way bed, the people that ran the tournament, the people at Subway when 15 people walking in all at once, the waitresses at our wonderful free breakfast.  Everything.  People were so hospitable.  I really enjoyed our very quick stay there, and would recommend it for a relaxing weekend.

 Rocky did NOT like the walk way over the water.  NO like at all.

We went to dinner at Gordy's I think it was called recommended by my friend.  Good thing we went when we did.  Word got out about their food I was packed.  The boys were completely silly with a girls soccer team there.  And the parents needed to relax a lil with a drink!  Ha!

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