Saturday, January 31, 2015

Impromtu day in Seattle

 David took me to Seattle for fun one day and we walked through Pike Place in the rain.  I just love the city!

 I love all the colors of the fresh fruits and veggies

 I wish we could have gotten some fresh flowers, is not the season...

Got myself a treat...a huge vegan snickerdoodle.  Um YUM!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Seahwaks vs Panthers 1-10-15

 I rode to the game with Sheila and Sandy and they have a very specific schedule they keep.  Every game.  So, I went along for the ride.  Wilson was excited to have someone sitting in the back seat with him....until he got all bossy and took over the wheel!

 Wilson is veeeery popular.  We get stopped frequently for photo ops.

 We went by the sign that was on the street in New York for the Super bowl last year.

 We walked around the stadium.

 We went almost directly across from our seats and wiped our feet on the mat with the other teams logo.


 Sheila and Wilson with photo bomber...and without.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Seattle Argosy cruise

 Last thing on our city pass list was an Argosy cruise around to see some of the Seattle landmarks from the water.


 J enjoying the cruise...

 Bree enjoying the cruise...

 The skyline.  So pretty with the parks right along the water.

 The sea lions like hanging out...

 Those cargo ships are HUGE!

What a fun weekend, so glad we were all able to get together and do this!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


 The octopus is cool!

 Jus chillin'

 River otters...who knew they could stalk and act nasty to dad!?!  They look so innocent!!!

 I would bought this shirt for David if I thought he would wear it!

 You get a really good view of the wheel from inside the aquarium.

 Feeding the sea urchins

 Our group picture at the aquarium

 This lady could talk through her oxygen mask.  It was cool to hear about how they grow plants and stuff in the water tanks.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Space Needle at night

 The space needle and it's view are even MORE impressive at night!  Wow!  Bree and I went on our way home from our shop about. 

I just LOVE the city!!!!