Sunday, January 25, 2015

then off to the EMP we went...

 None of us are majorly into music but we were game to to check it out.  There is definitely a lot to see, and considering none of us were really into it, we did manage to kill several hours there.  Ha!  Not thinking I would pay full price to entry, but the City Pass definitely made it worth checking out.

 They had movie memorabilia.

 Fun things to do.

 They had a cool guitar tornado


 And then, we started our own band...called the Hometown Tourists.  We had a great time, we tied out scarves around our heads and went with it.  Everyone that was there participated even!  We could barely hold Frank and mom back!!!  It was pretty fun, and memorable for the poor bystanders that were traumatized by us.  ha!
 kool kats

 Christi trying out the sound lab.

 Bree and Katie getting their voices going.

 Then there was the Seahawk exhibit.  That is what we all wanted to see.  We did get a picture of all of us in front of the We Are 12, but must not be on my camera.

 Bree modeled the SeaGal uniform.

 Aimee couldn't keep her hands off of Richard.

 Jordan's hand was almost as big as Russel Wilson's!


I am so grateful.  I really do enjoy spending time with my family.  I love that all the cousins are growing up together and really know each other.  Life is good!

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