Saturday, January 9, 2016

Christmas Morn

 Santa came!!!  This year Katie got to spend the night at mom and dad's so she was here when we all woke up in the morning.  Kids always make it more fun with their excitement.

 Opening stockings.  Christi and Katie play a guessing game trying to guess what is wrapped up in the stockings and try to get outrageous stuff that no one will guess.

 Christi said she didn't have any pajamas to wear on PJ day at school, Katie picked out these perfect ones so now she does!!!!  Her kindergartners will love it!

 Katie picked out this most perfect bone for Lucy May.

 The kids divvying up gifts

 The Grand-dogs got Seahawk jerseys, but Lucy didn't like hers . It was a little too small and I think it hurt her elbow a little getting it in the arm hole and then she was paralyzed and didn't move.  Rufus and Lulu liked theirs and Lulu wores hers all day.  Rufi had to have his exchanged for a bigger one.  Moosie, though, hers was returned.  I was bummed, hoping she would like it more....but....she did not.  So, won't torture her with it.

 The aftermath...


 J enjoying his new blanket, still a little punky from having his wisdom teeth removed on the 21st.

 My spot was stolen...


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