Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jenni Ben

Well, sad, sad news to report. Jenni Ben is no longer with our family. She been living with kidney disease for a few years and she has been really sick lately. We (meaning David, I get anxiety when thinking about going back to the vet...I did right after Buddy to return some food and I think maybe I should have let David return the stuff, like he offered) have been taking her in once a week to get fluids. She was incredibly dehydrated and constipated and we didn't realize it. We fed her whenever she wanted (she had lost 3 pounds in two months and didn't have much to lose) and I let her drink from the faucet in the kitchen (which I didn't like doing cuz of cat feet where I put my food) but I let her whenever she wanted. I was worried about her when we went to the island for Father's Day. We were having our neighbors feed the ladies. But, I didn't know that David had already arranged to have Tim take her down to the vet for her last trip. Then I was super sad and felt really guilty that one of us wasn't there with her. She deserved that. But...we had talked about David not telling me so I wouldn't get all worked up about it prior to, and David decided he couldn't do it either, so I can't really be mad at that. So...I just feel guilty. I tell myself I would have done it, but I'm not sure I could have either. So. It is what it is. We did the best we could. She had a good life. But it super duper sucks. And now Bobbi is an only cat. I'm sure she notices but she is hoping for Jenni's food supply. Bob used to polish Jenni's off if we didn't supervise them, by just bullying Jenni away.
Regal kitty.

Sleeping away

Jungle cat that she was

The girls when they were kittens


mrf0rd said...

Miss my cat!

Barbi Ford said...

Me too. I miss her dirty little paws on my clean counter! Begging for me to turn on that darn water so she can waste it!