Friday, July 8, 2011

Carlsen Beach

David and Jordan went down to the Carlsen's beach to visit them while they are vacationing on the island. Lucy even got in the water, thought David had to wade in and I don't think she loved it.... I think we may have gotten another broken dog. A lab (water dog) that doesn't like water! She will have no use for her cute little webbed feet!!!

Jordan after the rocket ride. I love this picture of him! Love.

Kids coming in on the rocket. They loved it!

Boys digging a hole. This is the main reason Jordan wanted to go down there. To dig a hole with Zachary!


Jeff and Tanya said...

What a fun time that was! Thanks David and Jordan for making the trek down to see us....

Barbi Ford said...

Your beach is a lot of fun. Offers different stuff from Camp Gramoom as she isn't directly on the beach! Whidbey is just wonderful, isn't it?