Thursday, July 28, 2011

Marymoor dog park!

The boys and I set out Monday to take Lucy on her first dog park experience. We went on Monday, and on the rainy/cloudy day hoping that there would be a few dogs there but not too she could stay focused on us and playing in the water.

off we goooo...

We started out small and she did really well.

She liked the water and got the hang of it as she was swimming back...much less frantic splashing, much more smooth.

A wet happy girl.

Then we played fetch with the ball. She LOVED the ball and wanted the boys to throw it all the time.

The boys played hide and seek in the tall grass and she found them, not quite as well as Buddy used to do (he was really good at it) but she did pretty well.

She was a tired little girl on the way home. Out. Out. Not like drowsy. Out. she didn't even care that the boys ate cheeseburgers on the way home! I know....crazy, huh?

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