Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tiiired puppy!!!!

Seriously? Who wouldn' t love this face?

Normally she doesn't like to lay on people, she's a lone sleeper, but she was so tired and not much room to laze, she had to use the kids.

BBQ & croquet

Had us a little BBQ with all the fixins!

Katie in her lei that Uncle David brought her back from Hawaii!

David grilling on Papa Larrie's fancy schmancy grill/smoker. Thankfully David got lots of pointers on how it worked.

Deeanna's almost father-in-law Don, Larrie and Ann chatting.

Aunt June (who looks great...having lost quite a bit of weight - Go June & Marty!!!) givin Lucy May some lovin.

da guys

Niko, Lucy and Barkley. Lucy was tiiired!

Look! Lucy May thought Katie was playing while dragging the jump rope. Um. Not.So.Much.

Then we got into a mean game of croquet. For some reason, I was ON and was first one through, then they decided to play poison...and then my win. Turned to defeat. :-(

Happy Birthday David!

We hadn't had a family birthday for David yet....and he totally gets his feelers hurt if we don't make a big deal out of it! Especially his 42nd! So...I called mom at the last minute and asked if they could go up and buy David a cake for dessert. And boy did Christi and mom take it and run! They totally, with no notice whatsoever, came up with this awesome BBQ cake for David's birthday.
J lighting the candles

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Haaaaappppyyyy Biiiirthdaaaaay deeeeear Daaaaaaviiiiiid! Happy Birthday to you!

On our wayyyyyyy!

Lucy May is getting wild and crazy! Stuck her nose out the window on the way to the island.

Thanks Auntie Aim!


Auntie got David a birthday gift! It was perfect! A mooning troll. It is currently on our fence over looking Tim and Kathi's yard - HA! I think they turned it around our way though this morning! Glad to have neighbors with a sense of humor :-) And a sister who can find the perfect gift!

Someone is glad someone is home!

Not sure which is more happy!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wet girl

Definitely a lab. Rain? Who cares!?!

Anthony is happy!

Anthony's long board has arrived!!! He has been borrowing our neighbor Tim's long board and going to school and back on it. He ordered one for himself. He's been saving on gas to and from school so can't complain about that! He was even checking the hourly weather to make sure his box wasn't out in the rain too long on the day it was due to arrive!

Bout time!

My mom got Jordan a potato bag so he can grow his own potatoes since David won't allow us to have a garden in the back yard saying there is no space for it. There really isn't and I don't much enjoy gardening. I have tried to like it, and do it. I just don't.

Pouring in the dirt, there are our potatoes on the ground

Here we are...ready to grow potatoes. The directions say to wait until the sprouts are 4" above the dirt and pour a few inches more dirt in. So...we'll wait :-)

The kids at Foxhollow Farms

the Foxhollow grounds

The stable, there were several horses and a horse named Pheonix that was being rehabilitated from an abusive previous owner.

Seating area....

the potting shed

the barn with the stables inside and the hay loft where Cooper was swinging on the rope swing above.

The house, nestled into the mountain with the stream right behind it. It was beautiful.
pretty archway

seating area

Layne is 4!

Layne had a princess birthday party at the Foxhollow Farms off of Issaquah Hobart road. The kids rode horses and had hot dogs and cake. There was lots for them to do.



This little mini pony really liked the kids shoelaces, pockets, sleeves, anything. He just followed them around nibbling...

the princess loot

the princess eating cake

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weight Watcher 5K

The Carlsen family and I did a 5K put on by our Weight Watcher Center (Tanya reached a 20 pound loss this week - so shout out to her!!!) We wogged it, and the weather was perfect!

Me and Tanya
Self portrait.


We upgraded Lucy May to her bigger crate and she is so much happier. I don't have to shove her in there like she's being arrested. She hated the tiny one. She is getting so big!

Hmmmm....the boy fits too.