Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tag Team...

David flies in from a training he was at this week in Norfolk, and Anth and I fly out Friday night to Boise State to attend a cheer clinic (I will not be cheering, will spare everyone that frightening spectacle) but Anthony is going to do one day of a two day clinic at Boise State, gonna wow em with his cheer ability so they BEG him to be on their team. Oh, and give him a full ride scholarship too! Wouldn't that be AWESOME! Anyhoo....we fly out later Friday night, get in to Boise, get our car and drive to Terry's house for the night. Then we head out to Boise campus for the clinic, and fly back Saturday night so Anthony can attend his cheer competition in Tacoma on Sunday. I am excited to see it. I haven't seen so many of them he has done and their routine and music have both changed so I am looking forward to going to it!

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