Friday, March 9, 2012

Where is Anthony....I'll give you a clue

It didn't start out to be the best trip ever. I thought his flight was Thursday at 1:18. I got up Wednesday morning telling myself I needed to check him in when I got home from school, all his laundry was done, etc...sent him off to school. And I get a frantic call from my friend that he is traveling with saying they can't get a hold of him. Oh my goodness!!! They were trying to pick him up to head out to the airport and he was at school. Not packed or anything!!!! Thankfully he just got back from Dallas and everything was still kind of in one place, his laundry basket and uniform washed and hung dry. But ohmygoodness. Started my day out completely stressed. He made it, it all worked out fine, my friend isn't even mad!

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