Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kentwood vs. Mt Rainier

 Jordan had his game at Mt. Rainier High School this week.  It was a gorgeous day.  The school is tucked into a residential area, but it is right by the Mt. Rainier swimming pool.  Crista was able to come out and watch (and check out all the boys Gianna is talking to)!

 Jordan played well, and got a beautiful jumping catch for some yardage.

 Mt. Rainier had a small team, they only had literally, 5 players standing on the sidelines, and the ones in the game were exhausted!  I felt really bad for them.

Our Varsity beat them 70 - 0, JV beat them 56 to 0, and we beat them 45 - 0.  Kinda makes you feel bad, but feel proud of those boys for suiting up and going out there every game, knowing the likely result . Kinda feels like our old Coupeville days sometimes.....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fort Lewis

 Sounds like Jordan had fun on his weekend to Fort Lewis.  They ate MRE's, did lots of  physical stuff, but he had a great time.  I have a football friend who went and was nice enough to email me pictures of him from the weekend!


How fun!  We rushed home from Boise in time to see the Seahawk game and some one ding dong ditched us and left cookies!  Yayyyy!!!!! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


 Iiiiiit's Gaaaame Tiiiime!  Anthony is the second one, carrying the O!

 The stands were full of orange, blue and white.  Somehow the bleachers were color coded, huge sections of one color.  Right there on the end is the student section all in orangem then the band.  They cheered along this side mostly, but for one quarter they were on the other side.  the cheerleaders were in front of the student section, then the dancers were in front of the band (in white) then more cheerleaders at the other end.

 Ready for some football.  It is super annoying when there are lots of seats to choose from and they choose to sit in the front, then stand the entire time!  Ugh.

 Anthony and Kelsi down on the far end.

 Anthony and Kelsi

 The Bronco doing push ups after a Boise State touchdown!  He had to have been dying in the heat!!

 Getting the crowd pumped up!

More stunting, Anth is second one  from the right.

With a BSU win over Miami of Ohio. 39 to 12.

Pre Game

 BEFORE the Bronco shop...

 AFTER the Bronco shop...

 We got to the stadium early and didn't have a problem finding parking, so we walked around the parking lot checking out everyone's tailgate parties.  These people LOVE them some Broncos!!

 Bronco Radio....David and dad sat and listened while mom and I scoped it out.

 Secured our seats with a great view of the cheerleaders as well as the field.  Boy was it hot though.  We looked directly into the sun and it reflected off of the bleachers.  We drank lots of water but I was so sweaty it felt like Florida, I was soaked. 


 Of course, he was starving because he hadn't eaten and begged us for a hot dog so he snuck over by the bathrooms and shoved one down his throat...

The marching band on the field

Monday, September 17, 2012

BSU cheer/dance banquet

 Cheer and the Mane Line dancers had a banquet at the facility.  

 We toured their basketball facility

 They took up to the seats that cost $48,000 a year I believe it was, with a 4 - 10 year contract for 16 seats....but boy do they have a good view!!!

 The seats at the far end zone are where our seats are.  They are brand new and they are still doing building around there.  The student section is the next bleachers over so we can get a good view of the cheerleaders when they are there.

 Us down by the blue field

 Anthony and his stunt partner Kelsi (from Enumclaw)

 The pregnant coach telling about the program

Aaaand....our first BSU citation.  $15  parking violation.

BSU here we come!!!!!

Tickets in hand and off we go.  Unfortunately, Jordan didn't get to go because the first year cadet JROTC trip to Fort Lewis ended up being this weekend and he chose to go to that.  Bummer.


 It is Jordan's big weekend!  He is going down to Fort Lewis with all the first year cadets to do a little unit bonding and have some Marine fun!  

 Just something about a man-child in uniform.  He looks so grown up!!

But incredibly handsome!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kentwood vs. Jefferson

 Our first home game

And the freshman prevailed!  With our first win of the season.

Bein all neighborly

Jordan helped our next door neighbor who took on the (small) task of tearing down and redoing his deck.  Little did he know, it was going to be such a big project.  Jordan noticed he needed help, so he went over and helped him.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pumpkin kind of day...

I wanted to make something especially yummy for myself for breakfast on Sunday so I got out my trusty pinterest pins and got to lookin.....and found two recipes I had wanted to try.  I made pumpkin pancakes which were really good, and then I made some pumpkin YUM!  And I used the can of pumpkin and have automatic breakfast for the week!


Never forgotten

Monday, September 10, 2012

Grease sing a long

 Tracy and I at her house, before heading out for our Grease sing a long at the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle.  We took the light rail from Tukwila again.  Seriously, this is so easy and quick (35 minutes this time) and only $5.50 and we left at like 11:30 and didn't get back until like 11.  Pretty good deal.  We didn't know what to expect, and it was a fun time. I am appalled at some of the words, in particular, to the song Grease Lightening!  Holy cow!  Good thing I have been singing them wrong all these years, ha!

 Tracy and I before meeting everyone!

 Bree and Iris (an exchange student from Belgium that Bree is friends with)

 Everyone in the 5th

They had bags with props in them and the words came on the screen for us to sing.  Each main character had something that we did when we saw them, like cheer, or hiss, etc...they really tried to make it interactive and fun.  Inside our bag  was a tissue that we "cried" into during songs like Hopelessly Devoted to You, and raised into the air on sappy scenes.  There was a blue balloon that we blew  up and held into the air during the song Blue Moon and then let the air out of and into the air at a certain point, we had a checker flag that we used during the car race and a confetti popper at the end.  

I had a good time and the tickets were reasonably priced, they had a costume contest and there were some great entries there too.  Aimee and Bree did the contest but didn't end up finalists (although they are winners in our book)  Aimee dug her costume and saddle shoes out of their dress up box, and it did kinda look like she just climbed out of the back of the back of a 57 Chevy with Kenickie!  Ha!  Breeanna had on tight leather leggings and high heeled shoes and hair all curled like the Sandy from the end of the movie (bad Sandy they called her)  But they had some awesome costumes.  I tried to get pictures but I couldn't from inside....there were some beauty school drop outs that were great and a few Sandy's that were perfect!!!!  Breeanna wold have been a contender I think, but she got stage fright and lost some of her sass!  But we love her anyway!