Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kentwood vs. Mt Rainier

 Jordan had his game at Mt. Rainier High School this week.  It was a gorgeous day.  The school is tucked into a residential area, but it is right by the Mt. Rainier swimming pool.  Crista was able to come out and watch (and check out all the boys Gianna is talking to)!

 Jordan played well, and got a beautiful jumping catch for some yardage.

 Mt. Rainier had a small team, they only had literally, 5 players standing on the sidelines, and the ones in the game were exhausted!  I felt really bad for them.

Our Varsity beat them 70 - 0, JV beat them 56 to 0, and we beat them 45 - 0.  Kinda makes you feel bad, but feel proud of those boys for suiting up and going out there every game, knowing the likely result . Kinda feels like our old Coupeville days sometimes.....

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