Tuesday, September 18, 2012


 Iiiiiit's Gaaaame Tiiiime!  Anthony is the second one, carrying the O!

 The stands were full of orange, blue and white.  Somehow the bleachers were color coded, huge sections of one color.  Right there on the end is the student section all in orangem then the band.  They cheered along this side mostly, but for one quarter they were on the other side.  the cheerleaders were in front of the student section, then the dancers were in front of the band (in white) then more cheerleaders at the other end.

 Ready for some football.  It is super annoying when there are lots of seats to choose from and they choose to sit in the front, then stand the entire time!  Ugh.

 Anthony and Kelsi down on the far end.

 Anthony and Kelsi

 The Bronco doing push ups after a Boise State touchdown!  He had to have been dying in the heat!!

 Getting the crowd pumped up!

More stunting, Anth is second one  from the right.

With a BSU win over Miami of Ohio. 39 to 12.

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