Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New wall!

 Well, since our old dinosaur of a TV died, we were forced to get a new one before we had really planned on it.  Just the way things tend to work sometimes.....  We had a friends sons come over and sheet rock the hole in so we could mount a flat screen on the wall.

 Leaving a hole (to be covered by the TV) for all the wires and power to still feed through without doing major electrical work.

Jordan "helped" me paint.

 Painted a color called latte.  Just a nice warm brown.  I did like my green but that was several couches ago and it was time for something fresh and new.  Nothing exciting but I like it.

 This was the help he gave me....

 I thought Lucy would be into the paint stuff and all interested in what we were doing.  We had been moving furniture and painting preparing for the new TV and the new carpet.  Ummm...she did not care.  Not one bit.

 Then Jordan got super tired and had to go relax a little

 You can still kind of see where the texture is new, but I think the TV will cover it up...

Here comes the beautiful beast !

Reading directions
It is up!  Now for carpet and get our new room together!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Yikes! You can see where the new drywall line is. :)

Jeff and Tanya said...

Dang it...we now have TV envy. We thought we had a cool TV, but your 'huge' one now trumps ours....looks like we'll be watchin games at your house!