Thursday, November 29, 2012


 Preparing for our Thanksgiving feast, which consisted of 3 turkeys and a ham!  Plus, all the fixins and appetizers AND dessert!

 Fried turkey....delicious!  Nice and juicy!

 My best Vanna.

Uncle Dave is up from Colorado, Uncle Dick and Gram visiting.  Gram didn't really know who we were, but she was a good sport.  She goes with the flow, giggling and laughing when appropriate!

 The Pierret's eating a lil grub.

 We figured there were about 30 people there.

 Uncle Dave, Uncle Dick, Gram, Aunt Dian and Todd

 Aimee, petrified of the ham - ha!  Trying not to smell it or touch it!


Bree had a liquid Thanksgiving!   I tell ya, she is such a lush!

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