Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Big Climb

 Little stress to start out my day.  We left the house with plenty of time, especially since everyone missed the noon ferry.  We lollygagged our way to Seattle parked, paid and then I ran away from the ridiculous boys who were tackling each other, etc...on the sidewalks.  Then all the sudden...I realized.  OHMYGOODNESS!!!!!  I FORGOT THE PACKETS....WITH THE TIMING CHIPS AND BIBS....ON MY KITCHEN COUNTER!!!  I was feeling SO good that I got there in time, with plenty of time in fact, and paid and parked all by myself and we wee gonna be big kids and go downtown.  Ugh.  Robert thought I would need the chips so I turned around and raced home to get everything....then, once I turned onto 405, got a call from Anth saying they could replace, them, so I drove 405 BACK to I 90 and BACK to the Columbia tower where I made the start of our team, the Whidbey Winners.

 The Whidbey Winners:  Breeanna Diane, Hailey Hammer, Linda Hammer, Robert and JayTay.

 Handsome!  Serious!?!  Egads!


 69 flights of stairs in 13 minutes and 12 seconds for Jordan!  Wow!  He edged out Nanni by less than a minute...

 Almost to the start.  Some random guy just smiling away as we took our pictures, and Roberts head was covered...


 Thank goodness for toys (Rubik's Cube) to keep the kids enterained

 Anth and Iris

 All done and everyone alive and well....

 Man of the Tower...a cool picture my dad took!

sweaty cousins after...

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