Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Looky Loo at the landslide

 Mom, dad and I headed for a walk down to the landslide.  Scary it is close to home and effects people we know.

 The view is gorgeous from the top of the hill

 Heading down the hill, by the witch house that is on the other side, before the landslide, but has precariously been sitting in the hill.

 When the slide first happened, dad said it was like it just slide, all in tact, down the hill, now the trees are leaning a bit.

 Made it to the beach

 Dad and I in/on the slide with the yards of the homes effected right above us

 Mom didn't want to go climbing so she stayed on the beach, she wore her Croc's so hiking wasn't so easy.  She sure didn't seem as far away as this pictures makes it seem.

 the beach going the other direction, down towards mom and dads side of the bluff.

 A few houses were lost here, which isn't up on a bluff from the beach, but pretty soon will be ON the beach.  They have lost quite a bit of yard.   Mom and I used to walk down to this house and feed their animals and water their plants when they were on vacation.  The view is gorgeous, but...

Back up the horrible hill.  We used to push a stroller up this hill every night.   Ugh.  I could barely carry my butt.

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