Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Walking to the bluff

 We took a little walk out to the bluff.  It was such a gorgeous day!

 We made it to the bluff!  So pretty!

 Jordan dragging Breeanna...

 kids taking a rester

 J climbed upon a big branch.  Katie wanted help up, but it was so high, I told her if she could climb up herself, she could get up there, but I wasn't going to help her up.  I would stand there to make sure she was safe, but not put her there.  So, she ran out under the branch and you can see her in the back mad.  Silly girl.

 Sarah, Hailey, Dane and Carter with Kat.

 Jordan tickling people with his wheat

 Rufi the bad boy needed to be picked up if other dogs came by.

 Spelling out love

 Iris and Breeanna

Headin back...

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