Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bobbi's vet visit

 I took Bobbi to the vet for her check up and for them to shave a few mat's on her back and get her eye looked at. I still have a lot of anxiety about the vet.  I just do.  I am not sure it will go away.  But I did it, I needed to, to make sure she was well.  I hated every second of being in there.  I just remember bringing Buddy in, limp over my arms yelling and crying that he wasn't breathing, them taking him away and that was the last time I saw him.  It makes me sick.  They were so sweet to me so I really feel loyal to them for that, but it hard.  Really hard, to make myself go back there.

 Apparently  Bobbi had some anxiety too, she should be bald with as much air as she left on me.  At first, she wanted OUT of the carrier, but after the vet was looking at her, she decided the carrier wasn't so bad at all, and THAT is where she wanted to be.  She got her shots and she had her eye looked at.  The vet said her eye lid is curled so her eyelashes rub on her eye (ouchie) and cause an ulcer and the ONLY way to fix it....wait for!!!!!  I need to get eye drops to try to help with moisture hoping it won't be so irritated but I am not sure she is going to go for that either.   Poor gal....

 Few bald spots.  I have been better about brushing her every night, she likes it.

Then she decided to just commandeer Lucy's bed.  And then all the sudden Lucy wanted it. Yeah.  Isn't that how it works.  No one uses it for months, and then all the sudden, it looks the BEST to all!?!  Dang kids!  I let Bobbi have it.  She just had shots and needed to rest. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Doin a little clean up around here...

 Isn't she the sweetest?  She set down her soccer ball (that she stole from some unsuspecting neighbor that I hope isn't Kylie :-)...) to do a deep clean on my dishwasher!

 After much debate, Jordan finally helped out with the lawn. I edged and harvested the wheat growing in the sidewalks (it looks so much better when driving up)  Jordan weed eated (halfway until he ran out of weed eat thread) and mowed.  He did a great job.  I think I missed the fertilizing season so it could be greener but it looks alright.  We filled in holes Lucy dug and trying to clean up a little bit.  Sure glad we did it on that super nice Saturday because it is supposed to rain for days...

This princess was NOT made for manual labor.  Sucked it up and did it anyway, but didn't like it.

Monday, June 24, 2013



 mussel rafts in Penn Cove

Deception Pass

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's official

from the road

We signed a purchase agreement to buy David's childhood home from his dad, who bought a really nice place in Camas.  Less up keep and close to his family, and where he grew up.


 and from inside the fence

  front of the house.  It needs a little yard TLC but we can do that.

 the back yard has a nice flag stone area with a fire pit

 A nice big (huge) yard that comes with a riding lawn mower.  I'll bet we have fights over who is going to take care of it!

The view of the park from across the street, it has gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous sunsets that you can see right from the living room!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Larrie's Father's Day

 We stopped by Papa Larrie's house to say happy father's day to him and visit a bit.

 Last time David called, he couldn't find a pen, had to finally go to the garage, so...guess what he got?  Yup.  Several packages of pens.  Blue and black, which ever suits his needs!

Pretty sure he LOVED them!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Father's Day for my dad

 We got dad an umbrella chair for Father's Day.  He seemed to like it!

 Went for a little walk out to the bluff.  Christi photo bombing in the background.  She's good!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Speed Racer

 Jordan tried out Auntie Aim's bike her neighbor, George, gave her that was his late wife's.

 The seat and pedals aren't comfy for J.

 He did his best

 Big long legs he's got!

 Went over to Ledgewood to see the sunset.  So beautiful!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

We interupt these consecutive posts

With a big WHOOOO HOOOOOO!  School is out for the summer!!!!!  We all wave as the buses head out!

Katie is 6!

 This girl has papparazzi!

 The cake mom made, and there were cupcakes Bree made but for some reason, I didn't get a picture of them.  they were really cute.  Flowers.

 Oh!  Here's one.  They were all unique flowers on top of the cupcakes.


 We got her a bunch of little stuff in an insulated bag.  All the makings of a party.  A summer ice cream/flower party!  She seemed to like it.

 Dancing with her new princess headband and wings!

 The wings are one size fits all

Cousin love!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Headin to the island

 Got into a big ole ferry line to head to the island.  I couldn't even see the water...but it went really quickly!

 The island....

No one was home at moms so I drug her chair out in the sun and had me a little rester.

Big boy

J officially has a debit card!  Look!  I made him buy me a DDP!