Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bobbi's vet visit

 I took Bobbi to the vet for her check up and for them to shave a few mat's on her back and get her eye looked at. I still have a lot of anxiety about the vet.  I just do.  I am not sure it will go away.  But I did it, I needed to, to make sure she was well.  I hated every second of being in there.  I just remember bringing Buddy in, limp over my arms yelling and crying that he wasn't breathing, them taking him away and that was the last time I saw him.  It makes me sick.  They were so sweet to me so I really feel loyal to them for that, but it hard.  Really hard, to make myself go back there.

 Apparently  Bobbi had some anxiety too, she should be bald with as much air as she left on me.  At first, she wanted OUT of the carrier, but after the vet was looking at her, she decided the carrier wasn't so bad at all, and THAT is where she wanted to be.  She got her shots and she had her eye looked at.  The vet said her eye lid is curled so her eyelashes rub on her eye (ouchie) and cause an ulcer and the ONLY way to fix it....wait for!!!!!  I need to get eye drops to try to help with moisture hoping it won't be so irritated but I am not sure she is going to go for that either.   Poor gal....

 Few bald spots.  I have been better about brushing her every night, she likes it.

Then she decided to just commandeer Lucy's bed.  And then all the sudden Lucy wanted it. Yeah.  Isn't that how it works.  No one uses it for months, and then all the sudden, it looks the BEST to all!?!  Dang kids!  I let Bobbi have it.  She just had shots and needed to rest. 

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