Monday, June 30, 2014

Katie's piano recital

 Katie had a piano recital so we went up to listen to her play.  She has not been playing long and really sounded wonderful!   I completely enjoyed myself.  Can't wait to hear her next one, after she has had time to perfect her craft!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Lil Fun

 Lucy got in her car seat and we went to Auntie Chris and Uncle Frank's for a BBQ.

The boys challenged Frank to a game of foosball.  Yeah.  And they each played a game with him and lost.  Badly.  And then decided to BOTH take him on.  And.  Again.  Lost BADLY  Ha!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Heading over to the Bellagio

 After Crista was done sun bathing she met me and we went over to the Bellagio to check out the conservatory there.  We found some beverages along the way.

 Lucky us!  Caught another water show on the way!  The Bellagio does a water show every 30  minutes I think it is all day long.  All are different to different music.  We saw one one night to Frank Sinatra I think it was and this one was a different one.

 Not sure what I thought the conservatory was, but it was much smaller, though stunningly beautiful that I envisioned.  

 Beautiful Chihuly glass art presentation in the ceiling, so pretty with the sun coming through.

 Down the street during the day

Then we went to Harrah's for our Caveman comedy show which was good.  However, we saw it here in Seattle and thought it was better here.  But it was fun, and then we went to Toby Keith's bar for dinner and listened to the band.  My phone died so I have no pictures of these shenanigans!   And we came home to real life the next day.  Fun, quick trip.  Not sure I'd make Vegas my destination, however would be game to go if someone were going for a reason.  It is very smoky, inside and out, and dirty, with people wanting money for this or that all over.  Glad we saw it, but not planning a trip back any time soon.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Another day!

 Went down to the pool for a little bit while everyone was there one morning.

 Then took off by myself for another lone breakfast run and some looking around.

 The Starbucks line is absolutely ridiculous!!! 

 But I persevered!

 Walked myself over to Hooters and got some souvenirs for the boys.

 Our hotel from Hooters.

 Me taking a selfie by the Hooters car wash (crowded amazingly, huh?) 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Rock of Ages show

 Ready to go to the Rock of Ages show.

 Wendy and I

 All of our party having dinner at a really yummy teeny tiny Italian restaurant in the Venetian Hotel.

 us girls

 the boys

 selfie at the show

 Wendy and I

A little dessert from the hotel lobby to take back to snack on.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sight seeing

 The Stratesphere.  While we were walking across the street, we saw someone bungee jumping off the side!  Way what????  WHY???

 Went to Circus Circus to check it out.  Saw a juggling act while there.


 Some neat sights.  These are the gondola's outside the Venetian Hotel.  We later did a gondola ride inside the Hotel.

This wheel looked kind of bar like . Not sure how long it took to go around, but it went pretty slow and you can stand and have drinks and enjoy the view.  We thought about it, but it was $25 per person and we had a show to go to that evening.

Friday, June 6, 2014

More Vegas

 No one would go to breakfast so I had to go by myself.  I just had a yummy Starbuck sandwich.  They had some buffet's and a yummy looking diner type place I wanted to try, but not by myself.  So I had a sandwich enjoying the view from our room.

Then, feeling sorry for  myself...I got myself a slushee and walked around for a bit.

 Not much sun for these white legs...the sun is so hot and the pool gets so busy!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Out and About...

 The Vegas monorail...just not the same, however, very grateful for it.  It made getting around, especially by myself, much easier.


So incredibly busy, and the walking around is hard, you can't just walk down the sidewalk to get where you want to go, they weave you all over...ends up being way further than intended.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

After arriving

 We went down to check out the pool and lazy river.  This was the emptiest this lazy river was the entire time.  There were so many people you couldn't even really float.  Many just drank and walked around through it, camped out on the sides. I think our hotel had at least 6 pools.

 Yeah.  I found these mango slushees ($15 a piece!!!) and boy were they YUMMY!

 Kris, Crista, David and I went exploring while waiting for the others.  The Arizona Fords didn't come until the next day.  Heading over the bridge to New York New York.

 View of the street from the bridge.  They are putting in  Hershey's store!  But it wasn't open yet..

 Inside New York New York.  I was all paranoid cuz David said you are not to take picture sinside the casino's so for the most part, I did not.

 Inside one of the hotels, was like a street outside!

 David funded a minion.

 LOOK. AT. ALL. THESE M&M'S!!!!  Heaven!

 We went to a Mexican dinner in one of the many restaurants in our hotel.  They made the best home made guacamole.  Seriously.  SO good!  The DJ was good too!