Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Heading over to the Bellagio

 After Crista was done sun bathing she met me and we went over to the Bellagio to check out the conservatory there.  We found some beverages along the way.

 Lucky us!  Caught another water show on the way!  The Bellagio does a water show every 30  minutes I think it is all day long.  All are different to different music.  We saw one one night to Frank Sinatra I think it was and this one was a different one.

 Not sure what I thought the conservatory was, but it was much smaller, though stunningly beautiful that I envisioned.  

 Beautiful Chihuly glass art presentation in the ceiling, so pretty with the sun coming through.

 Down the street during the day

Then we went to Harrah's for our Caveman comedy show which was good.  However, we saw it here in Seattle and thought it was better here.  But it was fun, and then we went to Toby Keith's bar for dinner and listened to the band.  My phone died so I have no pictures of these shenanigans!   And we came home to real life the next day.  Fun, quick trip.  Not sure I'd make Vegas my destination, however would be game to go if someone were going for a reason.  It is very smoky, inside and out, and dirty, with people wanting money for this or that all over.  Glad we saw it, but not planning a trip back any time soon.

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