Wednesday, June 4, 2014

After arriving

 We went down to check out the pool and lazy river.  This was the emptiest this lazy river was the entire time.  There were so many people you couldn't even really float.  Many just drank and walked around through it, camped out on the sides. I think our hotel had at least 6 pools.

 Yeah.  I found these mango slushees ($15 a piece!!!) and boy were they YUMMY!

 Kris, Crista, David and I went exploring while waiting for the others.  The Arizona Fords didn't come until the next day.  Heading over the bridge to New York New York.

 View of the street from the bridge.  They are putting in  Hershey's store!  But it wasn't open yet..

 Inside New York New York.  I was all paranoid cuz David said you are not to take picture sinside the casino's so for the most part, I did not.

 Inside one of the hotels, was like a street outside!

 David funded a minion.

 LOOK. AT. ALL. THESE M&M'S!!!!  Heaven!

 We went to a Mexican dinner in one of the many restaurants in our hotel.  They made the best home made guacamole.  Seriously.  SO good!  The DJ was good too!

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