Monday, September 21, 2015

Sept 11 vs. Sequim

 Mom and dad came wit me to Sequim to watch the game.  So thankful for company on long away games like that.  We got there in plenty of time so we drove and tried to find the troll farm they had walked by before.  We finally found it.  It was a gorgeous day for a drive!

 The fence posts at the farm are carved with trolls.  Super fun!

Stopped and used the bathroom at the reservation, such pretty art all around.

Got to the game after we went to see Marci at DQ where she works in Sequim.  It was nice to see her for a few minutes.  Got to the game (after a little snafu on what time it actually started) so we were a little late (sitting in the parking lot killing time) learned not to go by the paper schedules...anyway...the sun was shining directly into our eyes, it was terrible, not only that, but they had this huge blow up Wolf for the team to run through and it completely blocked our view of the scoreboard!  Super annoying.  We got slaughtered, but...that's what happens when 1A plays 2A.  They had HUGE kids lining up across from Jordan.  one of them being 270 and one of them being 300 according to their program.

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