Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sept 18 vs. Chimcacum

 We walked across the ferry to watch J play Chimacum at Port Townsend.  I just love Port Townsend and I want to take the time to walk through it one day.  I had my big huge suitcase bringing back my summer clothes that I packed for the island and no longer need so I wasn't about to drag that through the stores.  But, it is on my list.  There were many street muscians playing and it was a pretty nice day.  No rain anyway.  It is so convenient to walk on the ferry and just walk to the field.  We play Port Townsend there next week.

J had a really good game.  He got the opportunity to play offense as well as defense and special teams.  He didn't come off the field much.  He had some good plays, had a 28 yard reception SO close to the end zone, but they ran out of time.  He got credit for 2 sacks.  He was sore, but in good spirits.

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