Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Huntington Beach

Our Chevy Impala. Not.so.impressed.

Down the Huntington Beach Pier

Surfers. Looks like a whole lot of waitin for not a whole lot of surfin....

Robert, Aim, our friend Channing who lives in San Diego but came down to visit and cheer us on...my dad and me on the pier.

down the beach

the boardwalk...that we walked for 2 miles just to get to the start on race day!

me and Aim.


Three Girls with a Mom said...

What beautiful weather! Did you check out our new washer and dryer? You didn't comment on them. You need to go check them out they are in the post titled They Are here!

Jeff and Tanya said...

Love the beach and the water! Just what you needed, a little sunshine in the winter to get you through till the sun comes here, like in July?!?

Barbi Ford said...

Seriously. Amazing how much happier/better you feel in sunshine. Even though it is their "winter" and not stifling hot. It was just a nice change for a few days!