Friday, February 11, 2011

In N Out

I had never been in In N Out burger before. We went after the race. I sure wish I didn't have a horrible headache. I couldn't finish my burger or fries and wasn't able to even drink my shake!!! I am going to have to go again. The burger was sooo good and I really really wanted that shake. Too scared it wouldn't stay down so I didn't push it.

Not a big menu, but delicious food!

Eating a burger, fries and shake in the wonderful sunshine of California = happiness!!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

I have never been there either. I used to have a t-shirt from there Aim got me and wore it all the time. People always say it is delish!

Barbi Ford said...

I want to try it again. I felt so terrible I was too scared to eat much. that was all I ate of my cheeseburger, didn't eat my fries, though I wanted to, and I forced dad to eat my chocolate shake that I really really wanted because I didn't want to make my headache worse with a freeze...eveyrthing looked so delicious!