Thursday, February 10, 2011

Surf City Half Marathon

Me and Aim ready to goooo... We dropped Aim off for the marathon then dad, Robert and I parked the car.

Ready to head out...

Little did we know....we would be walking two miles just to get to the start, from where we parked. Thankfully all the parking was right on the beach so we walked down the boardwalk. It was pretty foggy and there were a few surfers out. And thankfully, Robert got done way before us, so he walked the two miles back and brought the car closer once the lots cleared out :-)

Dad and I at the start. Dad is total hard core now. Even brought a "throw away" shirt. I won't give up any of mine. I hope they give all that stuff to the homeless! There were some really nice jackets and shirts just thrown on the side of the road as people shed them. It stayed foggy most of our walk so the weather was actually perfect for walking/running.

another at the start.

The Huntington Beach Pier

One of the beach bands along the way...there were several.

There goes Aim, on the marathon. She is going the other way, it looks like she is wearing a skirt but she has her jacket tied around her waist, and is wearing a white running shirt with black down the sides and a baseball hat. Run Aimee Run!!!

Dad and mine's favorite stops. Many of the stops had sharky's. We got them every stop we could. They were yummy!

Little over halfway. Somehow, we missed the 7!?!

Here is the nature preserve they advertise in the brochures. Not so impressive up close and personal really. You envision this gorgeous preserve.

Coming back along the beach.

Almost done...Aim beat us to the finish after running her marathon. Yup. She's crazy like that!

With our medals.

Walking back to the car. Robert, Aim, Karen, Tamara and dad. It was a good day.


Three Girls with a Mom said...

That is so neat you got a picture of Aim. Did you yell at her and she see you? I always seem to miss everyone on these kinds of things. Did you see Robert too?

Jeff and Tanya said...

Nice job on your walk/run! Those little sharkey's looked good!

Barbi Ford said...

Yeah. I am not so good at finding people. i was kinda getting motion sick looking for them. No, the one running the full marathon had to run and jump and yell to get our attention. Go figure....

Tanya - yes, those sharky's were nummy!