Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Dog Park

Jordan and I tried a new dog park. It is in Kent/ Renton-ish. Quite a big park, not as nice as Marymoor but a really nice off leash dog park. We got there about 9:00 and it wasn't too busy, which is what we wanted. A few dogs, not too many, as we left at 10:30 or so there were a lot more dogs.

We met a Bassett

Lucy ventured out and checked things out. They had a big area for running around and ball or frisbee throwing.

There she is wayyyy up there.

There was a look out that actually looked out over the Kent valley and David's work area.

Handsome boy and beautiful pup.

the Valley

Close up of David's work

Jordan really wanted to teach her tricks and he used the agility section a lot. Lucy really really likes to chase the ball. Really likes it. You could get her to do pretty much all of it if you dangled that ball in front of her.

They did it!

Heading back to the car...

Thirsty girl...

She drank that full water bottle and then cuddled up with it on the way home. Sorry about the angle. Took it at a traffic light.

Not very lady like but so tired she didn't close her eyes all the way and her tongue is sticking out. Sweetness. Think we'll try that again! Certain tires her out!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Is she sleeping on the floor of the car? What is up with that? Katie loves looking at the pictures!

Barbi Ford said...

Yes, she is on the floor of the car cradling her water bottle :-) She drank the entire thing!