Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stage 5 Red Cliff to Vail

Today both David and I worked checkpoint 1, the massage girls were getting prepared for their evening of massage ahead of them...today was a 23.6 mile run with a climb of 4,100 feet. Check point 1 was at 7.9 miles.

They ran to our check point then up onto single track which they loved. They hated running on these dirt roads.

I am ready to fill 'er up!

David waiting for runners.


Heading back down after the sweeper came by assuring us there were no other runners on the trail. We drove forever and ever and it was total 4 X 4 and my poor Pilot will never be the same again!!!

Back at camp in Vail we were on rugby/soccer fields. All the bags lined up and waiting. Some days I didn't get back to see the finish and on the longer days I did.

The finish line coming down some steep hills. The declines are just as hard, if no harder than the inclines.

Today they had a slip and slide waiting for them!

There is a Pro Cycling even going on, with top cyclists from the Tour de Frank doing time trails in Vail. Which really made for a headache traffic wise. We were worried we would not be able to get to our camping spot. If you were not there by 11 a.m. they shut down the roads. That was impossible for us as we didn't leave our check point till after that, but somehow, David sweet talked the traffic police to let us through, so he, in his truck, another full size truck, and me, in our Pilot drove right down the middle of the bike race!!!! Then we went down to watch the top guys ride.

Then back to catch our friends finishing. This is our friend Niel. He is from Europe. He has a bunch of world records and he does both the TransRockies and the TransAlpine. David knows him well. Funny guy that Niel! And the gal in blue, is a gal David knows, her name is Kim. She has done the TransRockies every year with her partner Fran. Well, Fran passed away several weeks before the race so it was very difficult for Kim. It was very emotional for her but she persevered and kept on going and finished strong!

We walked up to where Carl would be coming down from the single track and found a creek so we dipped our feet (BRRRR, something about snow run off is FREEZING!!!) It was gorgeous though!

Here comes the old goats as they are affectionately known, and call themselves. This is Doug and Gordy. Gordy is the grandfather of ultra marathon-ing. Doug's daughter was the one with super long hair in the photo of the ladies teams. Her team won 2nd place overall. Normally Doug runs with Steve, the other old goat, but this year Steve ran with his wife Annie.

Heeeeere comes Carl!!!!!

1 comment:

Three Girls with a Mom said...

Is it really Tour de Frank or did you make a typo? If it is that would be funny! Did Carl run?