Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stage 2 Vicksburg to Twin Lakes Dam

The second morning I didn't have a check point because it was a shorter day, 13.4 miles, but with a climb up Hope Pass for 3,200 feet. I had tent duty. Every morning/night the tent crew put up, and took down hundreds of tents. I would NOT want that job. They were troopers about it though! I helped take down the tents but then I went into Buena Vista to try to help look for some "missing" bags which didn't turn out to be missing at all.

Ha! Ha!

Take down team at work.

Loading up


then...all set up again...this time on a baseball field in Leadville , ready for the runners. Everyday the tent team would take down/set up and the runners bring their huge duffel bags to the luggage guys, who load them into several big trucks and transport them to the end of that stage, unload them all, put them in numberical order so it is easier for the runners to find and drag to their ten.

Deb was again number 1!!!! And got to continue to wear the leaders jersey! Go Deb!

We stayed at this old fashioned hotel in Leadville called the Delaware. It was really neat, had a store in it with all kind of antiques lining the halls.

I found this funny. In Leadville.

My delicious sandwich with pasta salad. YUMMMMYYYYYY!

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