Friday, February 25, 2011


My friends are so sweet! Tracy got me this Snuggy! How funny is that?

Tanya (the Carlsen's) made me this cute card, and gave me some movie tickets and lip gloss (YAY! One can NEVER, EVER have too much lip gloss) and some antibacterial hand sanitizer that says I love SHOES! Hello! It makes applying it at work after those little guys are wiping their noses, mouths, and who knows what else...etc....a little more fun :-)

And I came home, and neglected to take a picture, sorry....and Crista had left some little goodies on my doorstep. A gift certificate to my most favorite place to eat...Los Cabos! Gonna have to use that right up! And some delicious candles from BBW! Their summer scents. LOVE!!!

It is good to be me :-)

My big gift...

David is the best gift giver. And no, I don't deserve to have another beautiful ring, after I accidentally lost several gorgeous OTHER rings he has gotten me. Sad, I know....However....he must really love me cuz he bought me a beauty! And there is Bobbi, lazing on the table we are about to have cake on. Didn't want to be left out of all the fun. Sheesh!

Anthony wrapped up the ring so it looked just like all the other Hershey's Kisses in the box. He did such a great job. I could not really find it easily. All David said was one of these things is not like the other...They are lucky I didn't eat them one at a time until I found it!!!

Here is the ingenious wrap job!

Here is the may, or may not be missing some (most) of it's contents...

Here it is. All shiny and new. Beautiful, huh? Check out those old lady hands. Sheesh!

My little party!!!

As per tradition, the Carlsen's and Wadley's came to have a little dessert with us.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lucky meeeeee!!!!

Looky what Anthony made me at Ally's house. Ally's mom has a crystal machine and does these totally cool and amazing jackets for the South Elite families. I got one for my very own. I was having to borrow Anthony's hoodie for the competitions. Now I don't have to.

Look! Personalized!!!

Isn't it cool?

What??? America's Got Talent!!!!

Anthony's cheer team was competing at the Tacoma Convention Center last weekend, the same venue that America's Got Talent was conducting Seattle Auditions for their show. Somehow, the kids were able to film an intro for the Seattle America's Got Talent show, and thing we know...they made it to the finals and they are competing next Thursday at the Paramount in Seattle to appear on the show! Seriously? What a fun, fun experience for these kids even if they don't go anywhere else! What an opportunity! All those people who paid to travel to try out and these kids just happened to be in the right place at the right time....


Last year Crista, Tracy, Tanya and I made a whole bunch of these cool accordion scrapbooks. Tracy decided to donate some to Cole's rugby auction so she bought everythign and I went over and we turbo made 3 of them last night for a few hours. Little hot chocolate, little wine...makes the time fly by :-) We certainly made a mess!

Snow Daze 2-24

We didn't get near the snow that Whidbey & up North got....but school was canceled today, as well as Jordan's basketball game this evening. The roads look wet and clear, however, I can imagine with the deep freeze that is predicted...gonna be icy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Smart ones they are....

Anth and Jake scootered down to McDonalds then called begging to be picked up in the snow. Ha ha! They are smart ones for sure. Each has a little half brain, so when Jake is town....we have one full brain!!!!

Starting to snow.

3:00 p.m. Tuesday, the 22nd. It isn't sticking on the roads yet but the yard is getting white!!!

Little underground poker tourney in the garage

Jordan, Cole and Zach have a little poker tourney going on in the garage....too bad their friend Dylan had to leave. Total bummer. It was so good to see him....and Amy yesterday! I miss them so. I am so lucky. I have friends visiting from all over this long weekend :-)!!!!

Happiness is....

Mickey Mouse waffles for breakfast....and Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets for lunch :-)

It put us in the mood to start getting our tickets booked for Orlando in April/May for the South Elite Cheer Worlds competition!!!!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I.AM.SOOOOOOOOOOO.EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad it isn't my job!!!

We had our landscaper come in today and trim the tree's in our back yard and dig out a dead one and put a live one in to keep the symmetrical look on the back hill. Boy am I glad I'm not them...the hill is hard enough to manage...not to mention DIGGING a hole to put a tree in, and then trying to prune those tall trees on the incline. But I'll bet our neighbor on the other side of the fence, who is absolutely meticulous about his yard....will be thrilled!

Monday, February 21, 2011

The fruits of our labor...

Tammy and I with our purchases.

My first ever Coach purse. I am a Coach virgin no more :-)

Field Trip

Tammy, Tanya and I took a field trip to North Bend to the outlet malls, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and the mountains were fantastic!!!!

The amazing moon!

This is the moon from my driveway the other night. I was amazing, and beautiful.
Just gorgeous!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

New hardware

Jordan got his hinges for his braces this week. It is helping to bring his lower jaw into alignment with his top jaw, so every time he bites down, it engages so his mouth is a little sore, but not as bad as I thought it would be.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Look what I found for Auntie Aim! Sheesh! Who wouldn't want one of these puppies??? No leopard print...and on sale even!!! Wheeeeee!

Tammy is coming to visit!!!

Look!! Anthony's room has a floor!!!!

My friend Tammy, who lived here for 8 years until Dam Dan (that's her husband :-) took her away to Detroit for his stupid job...she just landed and is literally on her way here as I type. I am so excited!!! Been busy and exhausted, and she loves me the way I am so she was gonna have to just deal with my messy house, though I did try to clean bathrooms this morning before work, since no one should have to endure that....I came home from work....and David had taken off early and cleaned the house! What a nice surprise!!!! That, and Valentine flowers = GREAT week!!!!


And my oldest gem of a child....boy, when he puts his mind to it, can seriously clean a bathroom.! Really really nice surprise! I started it this morning, all sweaty before work, and he did a great job!!!

New kicks

Jordan's school shoes finally wore out. Got him a new pair. These are what he picked out. This is what I get for dressing them as clowns as babies and thinking it was cute.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nother Victory for Jordan!


Jordan has been getting some practice making lay ups during the games. He is doing awesome!!! Our team got another victory last night! We are playing well! It was a nail biter though.

I hate Girl Scouts!!!

Darn those girl scout cookies......Darn them!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day! This is what I woke up to!


Look what arrived from Gramoom and Katie!!!! Happy Valentines Day to us!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Anthony is down in Orlando right now with the Kentwood High School cheer team for Nationals. They competed in Super Varsity All Girl division this year for the first time. They performed twice yesterday and today. In the end, they got 9th in the the Nation!!!!!! Pretty impressive. He comes home tomorrow night.

Lunching with Doug

We were able to hook up and have lunch with Doug. He is the one who hooked us up with the awesome room at Balboa Bay. We ate at a little Mexican place right by the beach.

My chicken soft taco's. YUM!!!!

Aimee's veggie nacho's. She couldn't even eat a quarter of them...

Right after lunch we had to head to the airport for home. It was a great little getaway!!!

And that concludes our California Adventure!!!