Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tammy is coming to visit!!!

Look!! Anthony's room has a floor!!!!

My friend Tammy, who lived here for 8 years until Dam Dan (that's her husband :-) took her away to Detroit for his stupid job...she just landed and is literally on her way here as I type. I am so excited!!! Been busy and exhausted, and she loves me the way I am so she was gonna have to just deal with my messy house, though I did try to clean bathrooms this morning before work, since no one should have to endure that....I came home from work....and David had taken off early and cleaned the house! What a nice surprise!!!! That, and Valentine flowers = GREAT week!!!!


And my oldest gem of a child....boy, when he puts his mind to it, can seriously clean a bathroom.! Really really nice surprise! I started it this morning, all sweaty before work, and he did a great job!!!

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