Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lucy's new temporary digs

Lucy's surgery date is looming (January 13th) so we are trying to prepare for her not to be really mobile, while still being with her peoples (which she likes) So....David ordered (invested) in a big cage that we can actually use in nicer weather outside for her. But, for now, this monstrosity sits in my family room. Quite the decoration, don't you think?

THAT'S the one who should be caged right there :-)

Lucy doesn't mind it at all. As a matter of fact, this morning I was going to leave her out because she has been really good lately (but everyone was home too) and was all sprawled out on the couch and I didn't have the heart to wake her up and she heard me getting ready and loaded up and she got herself up and plopped right down in her bed (not this photo) and I gave her treats, locked the door and off I went. She is really good about being crated. I don't think she minds it at all. Just part of her everyday life.

But this is how much room it takes up!!!!!!!!

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